All commands for transforms start with “adjust_”. Adjustments tend to be more difficult to script than other groups. Here’s the listing of the available commands and their syntax:
Command & Syntax
adjust_alpha point_list...
Adjust alpha. The point list consists of a number (the "count") followed by "count" coordinate pairs, e.g. adjust_alpha3 0 0 128 128 255 255 aque ;
The sampling [aque, flat] parameter sets the sampling method.
adjust_autolevel linkage sampling;
Performs auto-leveling on the image. The parameter linkage[linked, independent] sets linkage while
sampling [aque, flat] sets the sampling method.
Adjusts brightness and contrast. Takes either 2+1 or 6+1 parameters depending on whether you want to adjust each channel separately or in groups. The first 2 or 6 parameters are the values [0..100] and the parameter sampling [aque, flat] sets the sampling method.
Adjust with curves. Each point list consists of a number (the "count") followed by "count" coordinate pairs, e.g. adjust_curves 3 0 0 128 128 255 255 3 0 0 128 128 255 255 3 0 0 128 128 255 255 aque ;
The sampling [aque, flat] parameter sets the sampling method.
Converts the image to greyscale with the option of adding a tint.
The first three parameters specify contribution [0..100],
the next three specify the colors (hues) for the tint [0..255],
and the last three specify the tint intensity [0..100].
adjust_temperature temp_bias tint_bias sampling;
Adjusts color temperature and tint.
The first two parameters specify the bias applied to temperature and tint [0..100],
and the sampling [aque, flat] parameter sets the sampling method.
adjust_dodgeburn power sampling;
Either dodges or burns the image depending on the power [-100..+100].
The sampling [aque, flat] parameter sets the sampling method.
Performs histogram equalization on the image. No parameters.
adjust_huesat hue sat val;
Adjusts Hue, Saturation and Value. The parameters are hue [-360..360],
sat [-100..100] and val [-100..100].
Adjusts input and output levels. Takes five sets of three parameters each [0..255]. The sets are:
- Input, low
- Input, high
- Output, low
- Output, mid-point
- Output, high
adjust_channelmix elements ... ;
Mixes color channels . Takes a list of 20 elements representing a 5x4 matrix. The columns are input R, G, B, A and Offset, while the rows are output R, G, B and A. All values use 1.0 as 100%; e.g. adjust_channelmix
1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 ;
You can generate script code for most commands in Chasys Draw IES by using them while running the record function.