
TextArt Box Size Edit

Started by Bryan Holt (bholt) on Wed, 30th Mar 2016 at 19:47:24.

5 Comments so far.

How do I edit the size of the text box to make it wide enough for my edited text? When I clicked the resize to fit button it made the box 4 lines high and narrow. I want 2 lines and wider.


Jean Pierre (jeanpierre) on Thu, 31st Mar 2016 at 01:36:17

Hi Bryan Holt.

I do not speak English so here is a picture.


John Paul Chacha (jpcha2) on Thu, 31st Mar 2016 at 06:37:44

Hi Bryan,
Jean Pierre is right, disable word-wrap by clicking the indicated button then click the auto-size button.


Bryan Holt (bholt) on Thu, 31st Mar 2016 at 12:05:34

Thanks much. I tested and it works.


Kit Dean (noobie) on Tue, 18th Aug 2020 at 14:53:44

Why is there a "abc" balloon or bubble that clutters up the work?
How does one get rid of that.


John Paul Chacha (jpcha2) on Thu, 20th Aug 2020 at 09:47:02

Hi Kit,
You can disable that using the option highlighted in yellow below:


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